Here are four quick tips to help you maximize your use of Twitter as a realtor or real estate agent.
Tip 1: Your Twitter profile
Have another look at your profile. Does it effectively communicate in 160 characters what you do? The areas of town you sell? The type of real estate you sell? Most users find that once they are on Twitter for a while, they update their profile as they get clearer how they can help more people on the platform. Opt for your picture instead of your company or agency you represent. Remember, your client wants a connection with YOU not a company logo.
Tip 2: Say one thing per tweet
We are all limited with the 140 characters per tweet. So use it fully – meaning use it to talk about one thing, not cram as many features of the listing in as possible. One thing with an appropriate link and applicable hashtag will go further as an effective message. And yes, cycle it out multiple times.
Tip 3: Use real estate images
You are selling an environment people will be spending time in. Whether residential or commercial real estate, use the power of images to communicate. While you can tweet images of all sizes, the “in-stream” preview is always 440 pixels wide by 220 pixels tall (a 2:1 ratio). Consider this size when taking pictures – yes a snap from your phone is just fine. You can always load it up, tweet it, review it, and if need be, delete your tweet and start over.
Tip 4: Include hashtags to increase visibility
Hashtags are simply words with the hash, pound or number sign (#) at the beginning. It’s a way of categorizing tweets by subject. Think of hashtags like Google keywords. People search conversations on Twitter by hashtag. It is a great way to both narrow your tweet in on just the people involved in that topic of conversation and to expose yourself/your company for broader awareness to people talking about that topic but do not yet know about you. Some ideas for hashtags could be the type of home your are selling #bungalow, the neighbourhood you sell in, #Kerrisdale, or the type of information you are sharing in your tweet #mortgages.
Do you have a tip that should be added to the list? Tweet me @jenkellyjen and let me know!
Buying, selling and investing in real estate is exciting. Connect with those you serve via inspirational real estate quotes. These cycle out from your Twitter account automatically as if you tweeted them yourself. They have a positive impact on your followers and are yours to try for 30-days free at Just sign up, choose the real estate category of inspirational quotes and start sharing wisdom like the quote in this article from Mark Twain.
Because my sister just started her career in real estate, I definitely think that she could learn more about twitter and hashtags. I think that #bungalow would be great to use, but I am thinking that she might want to use the hashtag #homesweethome too. Another useful tool that I know about that you might want to consider telling people about is Hashtagify. It’s a website where you could put in #mortgages and find out what other hashtags are popular that people use along with it.
Hi Faylinn – Twitter is a great platform for real estate agents. They can both go wide and narrow with their hashtags. #Bungalow would be a great one to describe the appropriate house. Then hashtags around the area of town, neighbourhoods, etc would help narrow her listing. Thanks for mentioning Hashtagify…super useful too. I hope your sister’s real estate career is off to a great start. A lot of real estate agents are not yet using social media so she can get ahead of the crowd. Jen
I liked your tip to update your twitter profile as a real estate agent. More specifically you said that your messages should effectively reach the areas of the town that you sell. I think it’s a good idea to choose a real estate agent that has experience in successfully selling homes in your area.